Welcome to the Enny-Point

Enny's trying to lose weight - a diet blog.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday 31/08/06

When I'm hungry I feel like I'm hollow on the inside... it's just a small hollow coz of all that's surrounding it!

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Sultanas = 2 pts

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt

Afternoon Tea:
Popcorn pack = 1pt
Bread Roll = 2pts

Potato = 1pt
Olive oil = 2pts
McCormick sauce = 1.5 pts
Half punnet of strawberries = 0.5 pts

Work bottle = 1.5 ltr
2pt lite cordial = 2pint
1 gym bottle = 500ml

Kickboxing class at the gym

18pts total food


Blogger Rom said...

I'm pregnant, my life has become about eating and food. Bring on the diet blog!

And seriously dudette, you come up with any edibles that are low fat that I can munch on endlessly while adding minimal weight and feeding the little child parasite, I'm all good with that. ;-)

7:21 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

You're so good at counting points Enny!!

If you ever need some inspiration, do check out Miss Nicky (www.miss-nicky.blog-city.com) who lost 40 kg herself and Philly (http://skinnylattegirl.blogspot.com) who lost 33kg.

P.S I am not l33t enough to do the proper links, please forgive me :)

11:28 PM  
Blogger Enny said...

rom - I'll do my best, tho I don't know how licensed I am to give about feeding babies! I CAN say that you're allowed to eat as many veggies as you like (except potato, sweet potato etc) and it doesn't cost any points! So you can like roast some veggies with seasoning and that canola spray and it's ALL POINTS FREE!!!

d'jen - why thankyou ma'am ;o) I've pulled up those sites in my Mozilla and I'll check em out - while I don't have 40 to lose, I WOULD like to be more 'in control'.

(and I've had to bookmark the blogger help that shows the manual linkage, but I'm often too lazy to do it - so don't stress!)

1:39 AM  

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