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Enny's trying to lose weight - a diet blog.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday 07/09/06

Today had the potential to be a VERY bad day, but I managed to control myself by having a 'funpack' of skittles in the draw. When I good moody and stressed I start to feel the urge to 'treat' myself to feel 'better' which makes me feel worse. I felt jus a lil better after the skittles tho.

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts
2 x corn cruskits with vegemite = .5pt

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt
Lettuce = 0pts
Carrot = 0pts

Afternoon Tea:
3 x corn cruskits = .5pts
fun pack of skittles = 1pt

Dinner: "Quick as lightning Chili"
Beans, Olive Oil, Tomato Salsa and Lentil Burgers = 5 (was supposed to be 4.5) pts
1 cup rice = 3pts

Almost 2 Work bottles = 2.5 ltrs
2 pints of cordial = 2 pint
1 excercise water bottle = 500ml

1 hr Kickboxing = Exhausting!

18 pts total food


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just a little note: skittles have gelatine in them (last time I looked) = not vegan (not vegetarian either) :~( *cries*


4:10 PM  
Blogger Enny said...

Are you sure?! I was sure I'd checked them almost every time I had them - that the gelatin wasn't animal based?! I haven't got any in the house atm, but I'll be sure to check that out!!!!

4:25 AM  
Blogger Enny said...

~Jess - I checked the packet again today - there's no animal in there! YOU CAN REJOICE IN THE SKITTLE GLOVE!!!

3:44 AM  

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