Welcome to the Enny-Point

Enny's trying to lose weight - a diet blog.

Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm still here!

Ap's for the quiet guys....

Description can be found here!

I'll be back counting and posting a little later in the week - I'm not doing anything obsessively crazy at the moment, but my head is just getting done in at the moment and I can't be @ssed obsessively about it at the moment (YES I know it's not the right thing to do, but it's not like I'm out gorging myself at every opportunity!).

That said, I'd still like to be at 70kg by the 15th of October - will see how that goes!
I also plan to write out the poem from below and keep it in my bag for those moments.

Thanks for checking in on me tho, I really do appreciate it =o)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

~ Inspiration ~

Copied from Hayley, but she can't find where she got it from either...


When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down
And you feel like the biggest failure in town

When you want to give up just because you gave in
and forgot all about being healthy and thin

So What! You went over your points a bit
It's your next move that counts...So DON'T YOU QUIT!

It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change
It's learning the skills to get back in your range

It's telling yourself ' You've done great up till now
you can take on this challenge and beat it some how"

It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal
You're still gonna make it, just stay in control

To stumble and fall is not a disgrace
if you summon the will to get back in the race

But, often the struggler's when losing their grip
Just throw in the towel and continue to slip

And learn too late when the damage is done
that the race wasn't over...they still could have won

Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow
but facing each challenge will help you grow

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint in a cloud of doubt

When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit
If you bite it you write it...but DON'T YOU QUIT !

Thursday 21/09/06


(slightly hungover!!!) Piece of bread = 1.5pts
Redeye = 2pts

Soy Chicken with Rice from vegetarian house (yum!)

Afternoon Tea:
4 Vegemite cruskits = 1pt

Mini pretzels = 3pts
Tofu and veggies with ginger from Thai restaraunt
Cup of rice

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday 20/09/06

I behaved all day specifically for dinner - however I couldn't have saved anywhere near enough... ;o)

Mandarin = 1pt
Redeye = 2pts

Salad and Roll = 2pts

Afternoon Tea:
2 cruskits with vegemite = .5pts
Handful of mini pretzels = 1ptish?!

Fiji/Indian mixed entree
Plain Roti Bread
Pumpkin stuff
4 cruiser blacks
mouthful of frozen daiquiri

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday 19/09/06

See? I TOLD you I'd count proper again! Tho, I got my rough exam timetable today, and with two exams in 24 hrs, it's not gonna look pretty ;o) I need to keep motivated now that I'm starting to get results, not just rest on my laurels!!!

Apple = 1pt
Redeye = 2pts

Vegemite sammich on 9grain bread (YUM!) = 3pts
Sultanas = 2pts

Afternoon Tea:
Bakers Delight Cookie = 2pts
Cruskits = 0.5pts
Carrot and hummous = 1pt

2 burrito thingos = 4pts
Mexibeans = 2.5pts
Salsa = 1pt

2 water bottles = 1.2ltrs
2 pints cordial = 2pts

19pts total food

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday 18/09/06

A day off for study - didn't go too badly, but there has been a distinct lack of exercise that is going to carry on into this week I think... I really wanna go kickboxing on Thursday tho.

Apple = 1pt
Redeye = 2pt

Handful of lite mini pretzels (few points?)

Leftover curry from last night but with rice (we ran outta vermicelli)

Fresh white bread with vegemite = 2-4pts

Lentil Patty burger things = few points
2 bread rolls = 4pts
Roast potato = 1pt

5pts diet cordial = 5pts
2pts water = 2pts
2 glasses water = 600ml

need you even ask?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday 17/0906

I HATE study time... Did somebody say CARBS?! Let's just say this won't be too detailed for the next few days... I'll still write it all down, but study makes me a bit 'myeh' about everything...

Apple = 1
2 pieces of toast with nuttelex = 3pts

4 pieces loaf bread with vegemite = 4 - 8pts

Small pack kettles = 2pts?
1 piece of crust = 1pt

Vegan Vermicelli curry
(onion, capsicum, carrot, lite coconut milk, crush tomato, chickpeas, normal peas, curry powder, garlic, vermicelli, silken tofu)

7pts lite cordial = 7pts
1pr plain water = 1pt

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday 16/09/06

I jumped on the scales this morning - almost 5kg down - Hooray! So what did I do? What every BAD WW does and thought I'd 'celebrate' with some bad food choices - as if I haven't ALREADY done that enough this week! It wasn't all intentional - we went to lunch at Floriade and they didn't have any salad sandwiches or ANYTHING mealworthy - so by the time it got to 2pm and I'd only had a pepsi max for the entire day I was getting desperate!!!

Almonds and Macadamias roasted with sugar and cinnamon

Afternoon Tea:
'Funpack' of kettles plain chips

Vegan antipesto plate (tomato, eggplant, beandip, cucumber etc)
1 xVodka Lime & Lemonade

Two pieces of toast with Nuttelex Lite

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday 15/09/06

So. Friday? Yup. Sure is ;o)

Apple = 1 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
2 vegemite cruskits = .5points

Veggie Delight Subway= 3.5pts
3 x vodka lime & lemonate = 6pts

Afternon Tea:
2 vegemite cruskits = .5points
Vodka Lime and Bitters = 2pts

Roast Carrot, Potato and Sweet Potato = 3pts

2 work bottles = 3ltrs
1 pts diet cordial = 1 pints


18.5pts total food

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday 14/09/06

My name is Enny and I'm a bad weightwatcher. I had lunch with an old friend today so splashed out a lil with a K'baby to celebrate, safe in the knowledge I had kickboxing tonight and was in charge of dinner. THEN I got my car back from the detailer and got eldest bro to take some photos for me and then put the ads up on the internet - by time I was finished at my parents house kickboxing was over AND I jus got Dominoes for dinner!!! Are you ready for this? One piece of original base vego pizza is 3 pts, so if i took 1 point off each slice for the cheese (which is unlikely as they're tight with ALL the toppings, including cheese), I had 19 points for dinner alone - that's really weak of me.

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Falafel K'baby = 7pts

Afternon Tea:
Bakers Delight Cookie = 2pts
2 vegemite cruskits = .5points

One vegetarian pizza without cheese...19?!
1 Raspberry cruiser = 3 pts

1 work bottles = 1.5ltrs
1 pts diet cordial = 1 pints


32.5pts total food!!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday 13/09/06

I had another fairly low day today so decided to top it up with some sultanas after dinner - get things moving. I was looking at myself in the mirrors at martial arts tonight and thought I was looking a lil slimmer - but I guess I'll wait until Saturday morning to find out if it's fact based or not!

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
2 vegemite cruskits = .5points

Salad and Roll = 2pts

Afternon Tea:
Bakers Delight Cookie = 2pts

2 'Not Burger' patties = 7pts
Salad = 0pts
Sultanas = 2pts

1.5 work bottles = 2.5ltrs
2 pts diet cordial = 2 pints

2 hours of standing up and walking around as I taught Martial Arts - does that count?! ;o)

17.5pts total food.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday 12/09/06

Had a rare occurance of 'eating because I think I should without really being hungry' - by the time I got home I realised I had 12 pts left, so I should proddly eat before I go to the gym. I shoulda saved those points - I'll know for next time! (Tho, I don't know how I woulda gone at the gym without that bread roll!).

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts

Salad and Roll = 2pts

Afternon Tea:
Bakers Delight Cookie = 2pts
Bread Roll = 2pts

Spicy Noodles with veggies = 4.5pts

1.5 work bottles = 2ltrs
4 pts diet cordial = 4pints

15 minutes on bike (117cal) and Pump class!

14.5pts total food.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday 11/09/06

Feeling better today - much better mood. Plus I thought there was more points in my lunch so I was thinking I was fuller than I actually was - I COULDA HAD DESSERT AFTERALL!!!

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts

Rest of dinner last night = 2pts

Afternon Tea:
Bakers Delight Cookie = 2pts

2 Not Burgers = 6pts
Potato = 2pts

2 work bottles = 3ltrs
1 glass with dinner = 250ml

20 pushups
20 situps
20 kicks at martial arts

16pts total food

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday 10/09/06

Yeah, so I was a bit naughty today (tho it's not shown in the points) - PMS has really wrecked me this week. I had leftovers for brunch and about to have a curry for dinner - today has been more about minimising quantity of food than choosing 'sensibly' as stuff. And my exercise? I napped for 2 hours instead. I'll be better tmr, methinks.

Turkish Bread : 3
Dips: 5

Sweet Potato Peanut Curry with couscous
Olive Oil = 1.5pts
Brown sugar = .5pt
Sweet Potato = 1pt
Kidney Beans = .5pt
Peanut Butter = 1.5
Couscous = 1pt
(I only ate 2/3rds for dinner) so 4 pts.

4pts of diet cordial

You already know the story with that...!

12pts total (but I'm sure it's actually higher than that)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saturday 09/09/06

Bridesmaids Dress shopping - ugh. If I hadn't already decided that I'd lose weight, today would have been what made me decide. Do you know how many dresses I tried on that didn't do all the way up? More than any girl should have to.

Roast Pumpkin, Capsicum, Onion and Tomato in tortilla = 2.5

Turkish Bread: 6pts
Hommous and Chilli Dips =10pts

3 pts diet cordial = 3pts
2 sml glasses = 500ml

Exercise: I cleaned the house for an hour and half.

18.5 total points very roughly.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday 08/09/06

Reason why I do ALL the cooking? The Hun admitted to adding 'maybe jus another spoon of olive oil' to the recipe, meaning I hafta add another half point to yesterdays total >=o| I TOLD you his family was nuts for the olive oil!!! Also, my leftovers for lunch weren't as filling today as they were last night, so I was hungry all day after skipping brekky to save points for it, so then I had an afternoon tea which I don't normaly have, and then I got takeaway for dinner as The Hun was out to dinner with friends... and then I had a drink too! Ah well - coulda been worse - I promise to control myself tmr AND have a hit on the punching bag.

Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts

Lunch: "Quick as lightning Chili"
Beans, Olive Oil, Tomato Salsa and Lentil Burgers = 5pts
1 cup rice = 3pts

Afternoon Tea:
Cookie Man Cookie = 1pt
Roll with Hummous = 3pts

'Slow Noodle Fast' soy tofu and veggies
1 cruiser = 3pts

1.5 Work bottles = 2 ltrs
2 pints of cordial = 2 pints

Some forms at martial arts, but not a whole lot.

17 points plus the soy tofu and noodles (like 6?!)!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday 07/09/06

Today had the potential to be a VERY bad day, but I managed to control myself by having a 'funpack' of skittles in the draw. When I good moody and stressed I start to feel the urge to 'treat' myself to feel 'better' which makes me feel worse. I felt jus a lil better after the skittles tho.

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts
2 x corn cruskits with vegemite = .5pt

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt
Lettuce = 0pts
Carrot = 0pts

Afternoon Tea:
3 x corn cruskits = .5pts
fun pack of skittles = 1pt

Dinner: "Quick as lightning Chili"
Beans, Olive Oil, Tomato Salsa and Lentil Burgers = 5 (was supposed to be 4.5) pts
1 cup rice = 3pts

Almost 2 Work bottles = 2.5 ltrs
2 pints of cordial = 2 pint
1 excercise water bottle = 500ml

1 hr Kickboxing = Exhausting!

18 pts total food

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday 06/09/06

I have to be careful on Wednesday's/Thursdays - one of those nights we have dinner at The Huns parents house and I can't be sure what will be cooked (and the family is NUTS for the olive oil!)

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt
Lettuce = 0pts
Carrot = 0pts

Afternoon Tea:
4 x corn cruskits with vegemite = 1pt

Roast Carrot and Pumpkin = 0pts
Roast Potato and Sweet Potato = 1pt (2 quarters of a smallish potato and a slice of sweet potato)
Olive Oil = 2pts
2 Veggie patties = 7pts

Almost 2 Work bottles = 2.5 ltrs

Nil... *smacks*

19pts total food

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday 05/09/06

I've started a new fad! Please be sure to check out Delightful Points, the delightful WW site of Delightful Jen who also has an 'other' blog! On another note, I wasn't able to go to Pump tonight as I went in for some blood tests - My Dr gave me a form to go get my B12, Folate and Iron tested to get a sort of 'baseline' to test my 'levels' as I'm vegan for longer - and crazy me didn't realise that it meant I couldn't do exercise, else I'd'a left it until tmr!

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Carrot = 0pts
Sultanas = 2pts

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt
Lettuce = 0pts
Carrot = 0pts

Afternoon Tea:
2 x corn cruskits with vegemite = 0.5pts

Spicy Noodle Sauce = 3.5
Noodles = 2
Thai Tofu = 1.5

1.5 x Work bottle = 2 ltr
2 pints lite cordial = 2pints

Nil! Stoopid 3.5 vials of blood removed...

17.5pts total food

Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday 04/09/06

I MUST find out the recipe for mumsy's laksa, tho she said it was mostly ad hoc - it was very filling and delicious! The dips were all vegan, I had teaspoon each of hommous, baba ganoush and a thai basil cashew one - I really appreciate the way she makes an effort to cook all out vegan for everyone each fortnight =o)

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Sultanas = 2 pts

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt

Afternoon Tea:
4 x corn cruskits with vegemite = 1pt

Dip and lettuce (I couldn't eat the bread) = 1.5pt
Mumsy's yummy laksa!
Lite Coconut Milk, Laksa Paste, Noodles and Tofu = 5.5 pts
It also had baby corn, beans, two types of mushrooms, beansprouts....

2 x Work bottle = 3 ltr
2 glasses of water = 500ml

Starjumps, situps, pushups, squats and lunges at martial arts.

18pts total food

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday 03/09/06

Fathers Day means a bacon'n'egg fry up at my parents place - massive brunch!!! In retrospect, I should've stuck to the thinner no name bread, but I didn't realise at the time how much of a points different there was between the two loaves!

400ml Breakfast juice = 2.5 pts
2 soy BBQ sausages = 2 pts
2 pieces soy linseed toast = 4 pts
2 pieces wholemeal bread =2pts
Nuttelex lite on toast = 2pts

Roast carrot, pumpkin and potato with canola spray and lotsa herbs'n'spices = 3pts

2 x 600 ml bottles = 1.2 ltr
2pts lite cordial = 2 pints

20 pushups
20 situps
20 squats
20 star jumps
20 tricep dips off the couch

15.5pts total food

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Points Calculator

(my homemade version)

Saturated fats are down the side, kj are accross the top - simply find where the two meet to determine the points value of your food!

(Yes, I put it here so that I don't hafta keep getting my printed one outta my wallet, but figured others could benefit too!)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Saturday 02/09/06

I jumped on the scales before my haircut appt this morning - 75.4 kg. Note: everything eaten after lunch (exc the sushi roll) was at an engagement party - seems I'm still trying to manage eating vegan at parties, let alone eating vegan AND ww and a party, but I'm not going to stress - I can make it up tmr!

2 pieces 9 grain toast = 3pts
nuttelex lite = 1pts

2 x sushi rolls = 4pts

Engagement Party:
4 x Sprite Zero, vodka and lime juice = 4pts
app 1/4 cup hommous = app 3.5pts
Big handful mini pretzels = app 5 pts

After Party "Dinner":
sushi roll = 2pts

3 x waer bottles = 1.8 ltr
I glass water = 250ml

Nil - again!

App 22.5pts total food

Friday 01/09/06

Spring is here -knowing that warm weather is coming makes me want to keep it up so I can look hott for the warmer weather! Tho I went to my full 20 today, it's ok - I didn't go over and if I wasn't aware of what I was eating, there was potential for DISASTER! Lollies and chips at work, more drinks with lunch, full kebab AND chips for dinner...!

250g 2 fruits = 2 pts
Redeye = 2 pts

Morning Tea:
Popcorn = 1 pts

Bread Roll = 2pts
2sp diet hummous = 1pt
Semi dried tomato = 1pt
Vodka, lime and lemonade = 2pts

Afternoon Tea:
Sultanas = 2pts

Ali Baba Falafel K'baby with tahini and hommous = 7pts

1.5 Work bottle = 2.5 ltr
2 glasses of water = 500ml

Nil - ah mah mah!

20pts total food